
Leaflet or booklet functions are often business card company. Properly made sticker, especially in the form of a supplement to the advertising in the media, can bring a lot of benefits. First of all, due to its informational content and clarity.

In addition, one of the major advantages of this type of advertising is a long interaction with potential customers. Sticker or booklet can be stored until such time as indicated in the information it is not useful – if it will not glued. Or it will be every day flashed before my eyes a potential customer, for example, in the subway – if glued.
To understand exactly what should be a leaflet, it is enough to think about how he acted advertiser would place a potential customer. A man gets out of the mailbox several different stickers.

Some go in the trash, others are awarded study, and then follow the path of the former. Still others take home. The allocation is done in seconds. The main factors influencing his decision, are advertised goods or services and the appearance of leaflets – layout. Given that the product is difficult to guess the advertising remains to hope at least to the “appearance” sticker.

First of all, the layout should attract attention – even in a dimly lit hallway, in a stack of newspapers and among a few leaflets. His second task – at a glance give a person an idea of ​​the sentence, the subject of the leaflet. If a person is interested in this service, it will use the information as required. If not – Sticker fly in the trash. In any case, the correctness of the layout, the person flyer see and learn about the services offered.

Requirements for layout leaflet because of the specific effects and limitations in visual media are quite different from those for other types of printed advertising. Therefore it is better to listen to advice “listovochnikov” – even when they criticize the layout, made in a very good printing company.

Actually, that’s what we tried to do, invited to talk about how to make it work flyer or booklet representatives of a number of Moscow companies engaged in precisely this type of activity: an employee of the marketing department of the company «24_printservice» Elena Ilina, general director of advertising agency “Accent” Tatiana Pantsirevu, sales manager of the company “Art Team” Paul Orlov, general manager of CJSC “Media Master” (advertising in the subway) and Yulia Kazachuk commercial director of “DizaynFabrik” Sergei Golikov.

Is there a universal version of the design flyers, guaranteeing the customer’s attention?

Elena Ilina: It all depends on the audience. When it comes to selling, say, a pipe – design will be one, and if makeup – quite different. But even when dealing with similar products, it is still necessary to imagine a man who addressed advertising. This may be an ordinary employee, but can – “white collar”. For each of the information need to apply them in different ways. In this case, it is good to “check out from the competition” – ie highlight its leaflet or booklet of its kind.

Tatiana Pantsireva: It does not happen. You should always take into account the audience and the place of distribution. If you plan to carry out an advertising campaign in the boutique, the usual leaflet will not work. Need small – to fit in a handbag – bukletik. And near the subway can hand out leaflets A4.

Pavel Orlov: In my opinion, no. Otherwise, the consumer would have faced a number of similar leaflets or booklets, differing only in the information contained therein. But the goal of any advertising campaign – stand out from the rest.

Julia Kazachuk: Universal Design can not be. Every project is unique. Therefore, each brand must be an individual approach: color, slogan, composition … Advertising attracts attention primarily for its originality. While advertisers are often afraid to bring in their stickers something new, beyond the usual framework. Given that the advertising campaign – not cheap, they just do not want to risk saying that you never know how people will perceive a particular design decision.

Sergei Golikov: “Universal Design” flyers does not exist and can not exist. After all, “universal design” means “suitable to all kinds of advertised services/products.” This is equivalent to “universal design” clothes, shoes, etc. etc. More common term “standard design” leaflets, but for each advertised the scope of its standards are used. This once again confirms that universal design flyers simply can not be. Ensure the attention of the target audience to the leaflet can only “exclusive design” associated with any special offer. Beating these two components, a professional designer can force the user to focus on the required to store the information.


Leaflet is one of the most cost effective ways to promote products and services.

The main objective of any advertising leaflets – to attract customers, help increase sales. A main task of printing and design studio – to create an effective flyer adequately fulfill its functions.

To print flyers benefited, leaflets develop according to certain rules.

The most important of these rules – a spectacular and colorful design flyer and its clear and concise content. Bright colors and large fonts used in the design of leaflets able to pay attention to potential customers, even at a distance. The basic idea should be brief – it can be supplied in the title leaflets and elsewhere leaflets – most importantly, that she was very crisp and clear. The basic idea of ​​the leaflets usually distinguished bright colors attract the eye. Naturally, the leaflet contains certain information about the advertised product, service or company untwisted. The amount of information depends on the size of the flyers. If the format of your leaflets and small amount of information that you can place a minimum – do not worry. Interested customers call listed in the leaflet coordinates or come to your office for more information. Therefore leaflet should contain well-signposted contact details: phone, address of the company and its website.

Flyers made both color and black and white. However, the latter option is ineffective, as not to attract attention.

Plays an important role format leaflet. Many customers believe that A4 leaflets with lots of illustrations and information are able to do more good, but the practice of using different formats flyers proves that this is not the case. Most leaflet inconvenient for the person receiving it: read it on the go, he is unlikely to be in a pocket or purse flyer does not fit. In this regard, a much smaller format convenient leaflets, moreover, their production cost is cheaper due to the saving of paper, therefore print and distribute these leaflets can be much larger.

Very important is the process of distributing flyers. The main methods of distribution are: unaddressed distribution or delivery, unfolding in the mailboxes, the use of special racks or dispensers.

On the methods of distribution of flyers, you can read the article: How to spread flyers

Our printing offers you a printing services for the production of bright and colorful flyers printed, depending on circulation and urgency of manufacture, an offset or digital printing. We also offer printing services for the development of effective design flyers.